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IN•SECTUARY • 21/29.7cm • 8.27″/11.7″ • pen on paper by Moontain 2015

Life offers a whole palette of choices
It’s up to us to choose the way to intertwine them
And to remember we can change it whenever we want.

First of all, since it’s a kind of doodle, the subject and characters just appear as the pen is rolling on the paper.
In a way, it allows to tell what is inside of the mind without verbalizing it (which is, maybe, a closer way to express what we feel or think).

I believe it’s about the struggles one can find when feeling lost in his/her life. It happens that some are looking for solutions, thoughts, in others.
Which is not bad, because we can learn a lot from others’ experiences, but it doesn’t mean we don’t have to have those experience our selves too.

Because there is always a danger, in time of troubles that we unconsciously adopt someone’s thought as a dogma.
This is why i guess you can see in the drawing a so called messiah putting a knife into the eye of a bird.
The bird can be seen as a metaphor of freedom, except you can see there is no feathers, he lost his way to fly by himself and now to see the truth.
This messiah is hungry of others freedom and mind, this is why we can see his other hand feeding on the lil (rebel) boy’s brain.

At the top of the drawing, there are two bigger figures, a sort of deity, with the beard, the one many fake messiahs are reclaming themselves from (like a justification of their actions).
And another one at the top right, ready to swallow the so called messiah, to show this person, his just as lost as the people he tries to manipulate.

This is why the title echoes “sanctuary” for the dogma, the “sect” for the mental jail and “insect” for this moment where we just act by automatism without thinking.

So we better never lose your free speech and thought, to question the doctrines, the dogmas & the question itself.

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