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acrylic, charcoal on canvas 54/65 cm – 21″/25″ © 2001

Sometimes we get overwhelmed by so many things …
But sooner or later everything will make sense *

I made this painting many years ago and this period of my life was pretty complicated.

A self portrait, i guess, always comes during a period where you feel lonely, if not physically, then mentally.

It is like facing a truth or a reality that you fail to get or accept, and it both hurts and helps to paint something like that.
This is why maybe the character looks disturbed, if not sad, then, overwhelmed by the existence.

Fortunately, i did elvove enough to learn through the experiences, how to not totally waste my self.

But if i choose to finally post it years later, it’s because, once you learn something, you just have another one to deal with.

And even when you think you are doing well and progress in your understanding of Life, then comes a new trial to overcome.

As we get older, hopefully, we discover a Source, where we know we can get some healthy energy and love. It seems infinite too.

But it’s possible one day, that you get through a trauma so deep, it can break you, even the salvating way you used to take to reach some kind of higher self seems not enough.

Then … what to do ?

This is what we all have to discover, one day …

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