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Indian inks on cardboard 23/20 cm – 9″/7.8″ © Moontain 2013

Underneath the human skin. You may find who you have been.
Through the dream. Follow the stream. Where the Circles mix*

My interpretation of it … Pretty much chaotic, but not in a bad way … at first it seems like a passive character, then i discovered many more ( characters ) into it, and some birds etc … so, it just made me think of how we look at things. If we do it fast, we just miss a lot ( obviously ) and to pay attention to things, not only reveals details, BUT create new stories / discoveries, in the end, the lesson was, to pay attention feeds the imagination. This is why i care a lot about details, in the artworks as well as in Life in general ….. So, in the end this was not a passive character at all … I’ll be curious to read your own interpretation

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