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L’ Amant Des Nuages – acrylic, gouache markers on a 80/65 cm canvas (2019)

First thing about it, the title “l’Amant des Nuages” (Clouds Lover) is a phonetic word play in french, it has to be read as “L’Âme en des nuages” (the Soul into the clouds).

This painting is all about birds & Nature, not only our connection to them but also what they connect us to. The sky, the inuitition of the infinity. Its name means ” The Clouds Lover “… Because this character, so admirative and curious about the sky, does all he possibly can to reach this utopia and mystery, to the point of merging himself into a myriad of birds. This is or this should be our main aspiration … cooperate with others entity, to reach new lands (imaginary or not) that will fullfill our curiosity (because when it happens, this is pure joy) and feed our thirst for harmony.

There’re also other kinds of interactions in this painting, some human like entities whispering in ones ear, maybe sharing the secrets they heard from the birds. And if you turn the canvas 180° on the right, you can see a whole new main character, a sort of goat/cow/kind demon with its horns and tongue out. (maybe it comes from the origin of this canvas, i found it in the street, someone trashed it, there was a image from the corrida printed on it, and i really felt like i should grab it and change it)

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