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MISSYA – 26,5/35cm – 10,4″/13,7″ • inks, marker, goldleaf on wallpaper by Moontain © 2018

I was at a friend’s place, away from my things and needed to create / express something, i guess this is the only way i have to feel better wherever my body is.

So there was a rough piece of blank wallpaper and a bunch of inks … and i just started to rub it all before a face finally appeared with its beard and long hair, even the gold leaf touch on the right side to echo the “Light”… i thought it was pretty frustrating to just get with a face and … like a revenge, i made his eyes squint …

Of course when we first look at it, it’s pretty obvious it has this “messianic” kind of style, … which was also a lil disappointing to me, because when i do something, what excites me is to discover its layers, understand / discover something i ignore.

But the look of an artwork is just one way among many others to find some of its meaning. I started to feel some melancholy, thinking of all these millenaries of belief from all these different civilizations, looking into a savior to fix their problems (and doing so, creating even more problems and wars, ironically).

So i realized the main issue would be for people, to actually stop to look elsewhere for answers they would find into themselves. It sounds pretty logical but still, our tendencies show the opposite behavior.

In the end, the fact their inner self is missed by them, when they start their thought process to solve their problems is one of the issue’s root. This was then the title of the artwork appeared to me …

Like a declaration to self ” I miss you ” … which became ” Miss Ya ” … But i felt there was some more meaning and started to look for it. By what you can call chance, i discovered that “MISSYA” was an actual russian word meaning “The Mission” … I got thrills, because it all made sense, MISSYA was the identity of this exhausted messiah.

He was tired just as people are tired too, of this twisted process, to look for inner peace into another one. We miss our self and our self is missing us, when it comes to find the Light we spent decades looking for, in vain … into dogmas, rules, etc …

It is all here … in front and inside and around, it has never left, … we did. But here and now, will always be the time and place to rejoice with it *

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