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Indian inks on paper – 22/16 cm – 8.6 “/ 6.3” 2013

At some point we all have to go through such events, we lose people we love, animals, humans, or others … But even with the experience, or all the wisdom of the world, we are sensitive beings. To feel others’ sufferings is hard. All this past night i’ve been next to my cat ” Bouba ” … he was with me for +15 years. I accompagnied him until his very last breathe. This was the very least i could do for him. He was courageous and made it natural … Even if this is not the first time i am losing a friend, it might be the last. I am at peace, knowing i met my best friends and now they are back to their Source, so we will always stay in touch through thoughts and more … I hope you are enjoying the instant with the ones you love, ” too late ” doesn’t work here … only ” now ” ( and forever ) matters

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