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mixed media on paper 10/15 cm – 3.9″/5.9″ ©2013

Flesh is just our temporary illusion …
Until we answer to eternity’s invitation*

It’s not only about a love relationship but actually a deeper/higher kind. Like a Twinflames / Soulmates kind. I hope you were able to experience it at some point or will be able to experience it.

The two characters are showed without skin, but full of their inner colors. Like a ” cutaway ” in biology showing nerves and other connections. Because when you are in such a true relationship you don’t need no masks nor skin.

You know, when you are with the ” good one ” and you feel you can act with him / her exactly how you would act if you were alone. It could just mean that you share the same source / soul, space / time. It sounds ideal but i believe this is what we should all be able to enjoy, no matter the one we are with.

To translate this feeling, there is this blue line inbetween the two characters, the blue means the Source or Energy ( or One big Soul ) echoing the breath both of them share continously. Just like their beings were making one, not a closed unity but rather an open one. Not a link of dependance but a reminder of the interdependance we all entertain at a certain level.

Nothing should destroy this link, except if you choose to forget its magic is the reality.

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