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Signs of Life – NeWorks & WIP Burlap

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Continuing the creation of new burlaps, too happy to find back this way of expression. Stories reappear, from out of time Knowledge. It gives a breather from all the drama occurring in this world.
For years i thought it was important to learn and know things, facts, so i could discuss with all kind of people, maybe help some to be conscious of the consequences of their likes and dislikes, habits and fears etc … But i’m starting to see how it infuses sadness into me.
Even when you’re careful, it can overflow and something you learnt to assist others can just drown yourself. I need to stop that or i’ll lose the last drops of happiness this society allows.
I thought we were all in charge of the destiny of the world, responsible for it. But we can’t be responsible for others’ choices. Great Lesson.
Sidenote: i’ve added two artworks in the galleries Nascentia and Summa, you can click on the titles to see their story and details.
Take good care of your Happiness *

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