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NASCENTIA – Indian inks, gouache markers, on 32/24cm canson paper, 2021

The interpretation of this drawing seems to be pretty natural. A cosmogony and its demiurge assisted by its friends …
The central character is made out of them as well as he’s creating them. His long white beard could be seen as a metaphore of waterfall of wise Souls coming and going into the circle of life.

On his top-left, a fish taking care of eggs, to echo the origin of life on the planet, coming out of the sea. The power of light & warmth of the central Sun, feeding the flora system welcoming new kinds of life evolving on the ground or in the sky, spreading new seeds into new lands …

On each sides there’re two little demons, magical beings, ensuring the demiurge always takes care to listen to each side of the mirror of thoughts when it comes to make decisions.

All in all, an organic composition of elements, life creating itself to experience Life.

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