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Shows & NeWork

Hello to the ones passing by …


This is the latest drawing added online, you can learn more about it by clicking on the image. It will end for a moment the Drawinks Series as i’m back at painting.

It’s crowded as a last attempt for the living world to collborate and save itself from chaos.

Future will tell if this is just an utopia …

Here a lil preview of the hemp canvas evolution i’m working on, soon to be over (Calathea – 141/101cm)

I’ve been the “guest of honour” for the first time of my life in a little art fair in my area. There were something like 30 artworks presented. It lasted one week and there was no sell on the whole fair (except on limited art print of my work). It can be disappointing and complicated for self-confidence. But i also know it depends on so many factors (promotion, place, public, even the weather). So i’ll have to see it as a positive step and go on. Next (step) will be for Art Intuitive event. Hopefully i’ll get some sells, sometimes i wonder if people realize artists have to pay to show their work, not even talking about the time and materials invested, the travels to deliver the artworks etc … We’re in a period where art is often free for the eyes (and that’s great) but the situation is very fragile for the artist to make a living.

Panorama of the exhibition

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