FYI – i have a ” SCULPTURES ” page added to the website where i’ll compile these artworks, there’s a first series online made out of limestone (pierre de Nogent). The others will come in due time as well as videos. I encourage you to give it a look, these pieces are presented in diaporamas so each entities has a chance to be revealed as well as their stories or fantasized myths.
Above is a preview of another sculpture in progress, more figurative but still (on the other sides) animated by abstract movements.
This painting was mainly created during the french lockdown. Maybe it explains why it’s so over crowded, you can click the image to read about its Source and meaning.
Somehow, this artwork made me think about the pertinence of my expression, adding details into details, showing how there’s all interconnected, collaborative, as a methaphor showing what should be our priorities, a new level of consciousness. I’ve done that for years now. Maybe i’ve come to a place where i’d need more simplicity, knowing that people in this time, before diving into the details, may need to learn how to swim first. I’m looking to create new artworks with this evolved approach.