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21/29.7cm • 8.27″/11.7″ • pen on paper – (2015)

Once again, it’s up to the observer to notice details and interpret meanings. I believe it has something to do with the place we have and we entertain in the society. Or the character we have to entertain … we hear ” be yourself ” … all the time in the media. But if you really try to be the One you Are, here come the problems. Because we evolve in a system, it implies codes and rules decided by a minority for a majority. We are meant to fit into boxes. If you don’t, there is an alternative, you can create your own (box). But i don’t feel like it’s the best solution, because things need to be fluid, interacting with each other.

So we end up playing characters, roles, doing things that (for many people around the world) don’t make us happy. Worse, it creates more and more injustice, even after thousands years of trying … and rather than transcending our self, we’re pretending to be someone we are not, so we can have a place in this society. This is what the artwork makes me think of, many faces, many masks … all trying to be heard, to be seen, to play their part. I believe society creates the handicap. Because, an handicap “is” only because, our particularism finds no way to be, to exist, in the system/society. If it was something guided by love, mutual respect etc … anything would be considered normal, natural, difference would not be something tearing us apart or frightening for some, but only more colors to add to this palette (of life) we can all enjoy and create with … Utopia IS the aspiration to follow.

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