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Signs of Life – Two Sculptures WIP

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Here are two sculptures in progress (hard soapstone)
They are almost done and ready for the final steps (polishing etc…)
A tortuous “birth face” ( so to speak ) having a hard time to enjoy pleasure.
And a two-sided bird, going both ways (up&down) symbolizing the Circle of Life process.
Meanwhile, i can only observe how crazy the world becomes and it’s getting worse by the day. Cynicals don’t even try to hide their misbehaviour anymore. Mother Nature continues to hurt to the point she can’t take it anymore and will show us the exit door (hopefully not too late so other species can write the next chapter of Life). I thought the 21st century would be the era of somekind of “HomoSpiritus“, but this version of our higher self seems to be born-dead before even making its first step … Next decades will be very hard for all sensitive beings, let’s wish (and act) these are the last waves of storms before the calm*

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