This project ( in progress ) will be the largest painting i ever made ( to this day ). Its size is approx. 260/218cm.
It represents a new challenge (born in Feb.2019), as i’m always taking a lot of time to complete a painting (months to years, so we can grow in parallel). But although it might ask quite some time, i guess it won’t be “years” before i finish this one, because it feels like the first chapter of more to come.
This painting will tell a story of an out of time meeting between two entities. Each elements echoing the so called trinity of past-present-future of the characters. It may enlighten the interconnections of people, from different origins but in the end never separated. The experiences of people might differ but their lessons and the knowledge to get from them, is the one thing allowing us to realize we are from the same Source, with the same thirst for fulfillment.